Glass Safety At Roman Glass
Safety Regulations Affecting Glazing
Our staff will inform you of safety regulations relating to the use of glass in the home. The key phrase in the updated British Standard “BS 6262: Part 4: 1994 Code of Practice for Glazing for Buildings” is “critical locations”. All glazing fitted in these defined locations in domestic buildings must be safe.
A “critical location” is that part of a door, wall, or other part of a building most likely to be subject to an accident involving human impact.
The diagram shows where these critical locations are in a dwelling.
All glass that falls totally or partially in the shaded areas of the diagram must meet the safety standards of British Standard 6206.
This means that the glass must be toughened, laminated, wired, or have a plastic film coating. Ordinary annealed glass of minimum thickness 6mm may be used in small panes, provided that it is no wider than 250mm, and the overall area of each pane is no more than 0.5m2.
For further information about use of glass in the home or workplace or you would like to make a general enquiry call us at your nearest branch today – see branch list
or email:

Ordinary glass, other than in small panes as described above, is NOT suitable for use in critical locations, as it breaks into sharp, dagger-like pieces, likely to cause serious injury.
Please cooperate when our staff ask you where glass is to be used. It is an offence for us to sell glass for use in critical locations which is not the safer type. This is sensible legislation and we are concerned for the safety of our customers.
Please note: information on this page is a summary, not an authoritative statement of the law and is intended for guidance only. Reference should be made to the legislation for more detailed information.
Please enquire about safety, types of glass or services we can offer at your local branch or call 01225 337433 today.